Josh Brassfield Hair
My Service Guarantee
I make every attempt to ensure that you are satisfied with your experience at Josh Brassfield Hair. In the event that you are not completely satisfied, please let me know at the time of your service or within 48 hours after your service has been performed.
All services are non refundable but I will be more than happy to schedule a corrective service free of charge. Corrective services will not be allowed 5 days past initial service date.
It is important you contact the me as soon as you are unhappy so we can schedule you As Soon As Possible for a corrective service.
Right to Refuse Service
I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone demonstrating inappropriate behavior.
Return Policy
I am happy to return any retail products you purchased within 30 days of original purchase. No cash value is given and an in salon credit will be issued.
24 Hour Cancellation Policy
I understand that due to your busy schedule you may have to cancel or change an appointment with us. This is so that I may have ample time to fill the appointment time should you need to cancel your service. Appointments that are cancelled less than 24 hours prior may result in a 50% fee of your service charged on your next appointment.
No Show
In order to respect my time, if an appointment is no showed you will be subject to a $50 no show fee.
In order to be courteous to other clients, if you are more than 15 minutes late for your appointment we may have to reschedule your appointment.​
Methods of payment
Josh Brassfield Hair accepts Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express and Cash. No checks, please.
You may request an appointment by calling or texting me OR via my website.
Head Lice
It is against Josh Brassfield Hair policy to perform services on clients with head lice. If a client has been diagnosed with head lice while receiving a service in the salon I would not be able to complete the service the same day. I would be able to complete the service within 48 hours once the head lice treatment has been completed.
Gift Certificate Policy
Gift certificates are valid for up to one year from the date of purchase.
All gift certificates are non-refundable.
Gift certificates are not redeemable for cash.
Gift certificates are only valid for services.
Information collected from this site is only used if I need to contact you for further information regarding your appointment. I greatly appreciate your cooperation in providing me with your contact information.